Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Final model in crysis war 2

The final model 1 is not exactly the same as my original intersecting one. I did a lot of change to it cause I have to alter the previous one into 9 rectangular prisms. Maybe my understanding of the definition of one rectangular is a little bit different from what Russel said. So the number of my final one maybe is more than 9 rectangular prisms. After I sent it to Vinh and asked for some advice, I had already no time to redo another one in detail. But I try my best to do another intersection and transfered it into crysis roughly.

This building is constructed on the hil with beautiful landscape.

Indoor light shining at night

Meeting room with stairs and ramp

Intersection model 2 in 3D Warehouse

sketchup of final lab&meeting room 2

The whole view of the lab&meeting room.

Darwin's lab on the second floor

Hawking's lab on the ground floor

The ramp leading to the meeting room

The meeting room with ramp and staircase.

Final model in crysis war 1

At the back of Hawking's lab
I put Hawking's lab on the ground floor cause it's not that convinient for him to go upstairs.
Beautiful sunset
I created the surroundings of the building totally because these two clients both did natural science studies.

The flat grade leading to the building
The building was surrounded by waterfall and trees.
I created the surroundings not only to match the building I designed but also what the two clients did. Both of them dedicated their whole lives to do the natural science studies.
Main entrance of the lab
Meeting room

Hawking's lab
Hawking was trying to discovered something amazing in the universe. In this place, there is no tall buildings, no crazy lights at night. So it's a fantastic place for scientists like him doing the universal study.
Staircase leading to Darwin's lab

Darwin's lab just on the top of Hawking's lab
Darwin is a biologist. The environment is just for him cause there is waterfall, rocks, trees and everything natural.

the whole view of building at night.

Intersection model 1 in 3D Warehouse

Sketchup of final lab&meeting room 1

I combined the two sketches and changed them into 9 rectangular prisms.

The whole view of the lab&meeting room.

The main entrance for Hawking and Darwin
The staircase to the lab of Darwin.
Meeting room
Lab for Hawking.
Lab for Hawking.
Lab for Darwin.
Lab for Darwin.

test in crysis war